Gotham Steel Pasta Pot with Strainer

Gotham Steel Pasta Pot with Strainer

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  • Design - 9.9/10
  • Funtionality - 9.8/10
  • Value - 9.8/10

The Gotham Steel Pasta Pot is a pasta pot that you may have seen chef Daniel Green endorse on TV and we’ve decided to go ahead and test it to see if it’s as good as they claim it to be.

Gotham Steel Pasta Pot box packaging

As you can see above it comes in a box on which they emphasize the non-stick property as well as the fact that it’s made from titanium and ceramic and of course the lid which has the strainer built in.

Also worth mentioning is that we got the 5 quart one as there is also the option of choosing a slightly smaller one at 4 quart.

As far as aesthetics go it comes in only one color but it’s a dark grey with a ceramic non-stick interior and transparent tampered glass lid that has the strainer built in. It’s looks amazingly good and fits well into any kitchen. It has the looks and appeal of a much more expensive pot.

The first thing that I liked about the lid is that it has two sets of holes. One set larger and one set smaller, so I have drain the water when cooking pasta but also use the smaller set of holes when I want to drain the pot after cooking smaller vegetables like pees. The pouring spouts are also size adjusted to the holes which make it a perfect fit.

Gotham Steel Pasta Pot Strainer Lid Holes
Notice the two sets of holes of the lid

Besides that the lid is made from tempered glass, and it looks to be long lasting with only negative being the handle which I would have liked to see with a stay-cool feature like the main handles.

And speaking of the handles, it’s the twist-and-lock feature that gives this pot those extra functionality points. For some reasons other pot with a strainer lid, get this locking system all wrong and it either breaks down in time or simply doesn’t work as easy as you would expect it to. But this pot has got that part right. It’s a simple twisting motion that locks in the lid and it simply works.

Gotham Steel Pasta Pot Twist and Lock Handles
A twist-and-lock system for the handles that works

The only downside of these handles is that they don’t stay as cool as they claim so you still need to use a pair of oven mitts. Other than that the grip is good and the design is great.

Than there is the non-stick ceramic that is another main feature of this pot.

Gotham Steel Non-Stick surface
The non-stick interior of the Gotham Steel Past Pot

They claim that you can even melt cheese and that it will not stick and we can confirm that that it 100% accurate as we’ve tried it several times. But having said that I do caution you not to expect a flawless non-stick surface. Also the toughness towards scratching is something to mention as it’s pretty good and they even claim that you can use the electric beater inside of it.

Overall this is a great pasta pot with a built in strainer lid, which you can use to cook anything from past to potatoes and hard-boiled eggs. Given it’s features and functionality it’s also a value purchase.

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